Stories in the Sand – TABLE OF CONTENTS
Foreword by Harold Gilliam
Chapter 1: The Great Sand Bank
Chapter 2: The Outside Lands Become Part of San Francisco
Chapter 3: Creating Golden Gate Park
Chapter 4: The Sunset Meets the Twentieth Century,
Chapter 5: Home Builders Cover the Dunes, 1920s–1940s
Chapter 6: Pioneers Inhabit the Dunes, 1930s–1950s
Chapter 7: Getting from Here to There:
Transportation in the Sunset
Chapter 8: Restrictive Covenants: Exclusion and Inclusion
Chapter 9: Notable People (in-depth profiles of Carl Larsen, Alice Marble, Ray Schiller, and Josephine Cole, plus short paragraphs on other notable Sunset residents)
Chapter 10: Notable Places (landmarks and other interesting Sunset places)
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